7 hrs agoLiked by Rick Morton

So glad that Jack made it.

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He's a tough bloody fella

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7 hrs agoLiked by Rick Morton

Jack is out of the woods!

Made my Sunday!

And JA is out of. the woods.

Not so much.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Rick Morton

Hi Rick

Also soo glad Jack is back

As to JA - perhaps she can join Musk on Mars and she can have her very own Planet Janet with no rules or signs!

Your interview with David Marr on LNL was so good - you are not overstating it. Such a clear cogent explanation of so much complicated detail.

Best of luck with the book

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Thank you, I appreciate this x

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7 hrs agoLiked by Rick Morton

Yay for Jack. So happy. Makes me remember my old boy Anzac, one of the goodest of boys.

And I’ve booked for Gleebooks. Finally meeting you after all these years. Hope Mrs Woog makes it too. ❤️

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Finally! I feel like I know you anyway x Also Mrs W better.

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Totally! By the by, 100% behind you on the CW article AND bloody Janet!

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Very very glad Jack made it :-)

And very much looking forward to the book arriving on my doorstep. In this ever more AI age, we're going to need these lessons for sure .... and I expect we'll see more egregious harm without accountability sadly.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Rick Morton

Hooray for Jack! One of my favourite things about HGTTG is that Arthur Dent eventually ends up on a replica Earth and the refugees on that planet are ‘useless’ exiles like telephone sanitisers. The pay off that set up makes me laugh every time.

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Yes! This is my favourite chunk of the entire, increasingly inaccurately named trilogy. It's just so, so good.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Rick Morton

Loved the Ace of Base reference. Have the song going through my head now. Is it still an ear worm if you haven’t actually had it placed there by your ears?

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It's now more an idea worm isn't it. And idea worms are hard to kill.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Rick Morton

I can’t recall if I preordered or not. I’ll end up with either none or two for sure.

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Ha! I hope it's two!

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I have waiting to hear your good news on Jack. 🙏👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Also I am buying several copies of your history making book as Christmas gifts Ali g with my very own copy which one day I hope you can sign.

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My guarantee is that I will sign a book anywhere, anytime, anyhow.

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"Just over two weeks to go" - can't wait. Will my copy be expedited? (only joking - it's pre-ordered, I'll wait my turn).

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And good luck with the book launches. Try and remember, everything is organised for you, you just need to rely on your intellect to get you through. And we all admire your intellect!

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And I just listened to your interview with David Marr. Splendid stuff! Though I think you are at times too generous: anybody working in DHS would know that income averaging is illegal. It's the basic stuff that every public servant who works in the social/human service area knows: you can't compare average benefits over a year (ATO model) when they are calculated fortnightly (Centrelink model). They knew the welfare recipients weren't non-compliant at the start, but they went ahead anyway.

This has the hallmark and all the grubby fingerprints of the bulldozer of Australian politics for the decade up until May 2022: Scott Morrison. He wanted to make budget savings, first as Minister for Social Services under Abbott, then as Treasurer under Turnbull, and he didn't care how he made them.

As for the public servants, Kathryn Campbell, fresh out of the Army, was too used to saying 'how high?' when told to jump. And Renee Leon had to accept that getting the sack was the price she would pay for stopping Robodebt, before she did (that doesn't excuse their behaviour, it's just my attempt to explain it). The other senior public servants were too inculcated with the mantra of Howard's APS reforms from the 1990s: the Minister is the boss, and anything the Minister says goes.

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So happy for you and Deb that Jack is ok ❣️

I've ordered my copy of this book, very much looking forward to reading it, even though some of it will be hard to read (harder to write though).

Maybe I could send a copy to Bereton, Dreyfuss and Albanese? They need reminding of the whole sorry, corrupt saga.

As for Janet Albrechtson, you've painted a perfect picture of her stupidity.

Love your work, thank you.

Cheers, Jenny x

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Soo glad Jack made it.

Am I losing my mind or just showing my place in history? In this piece you use the word “slither” when I think that’s what snakes do, and the correct word should be “sliver”. But Eric Beecher in his great recent book “The Men Who Killed the News” does the same on page 315. Is this one of these “English evolves” things? 🤪

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Jack deserves a roast chicken to savour over a few days! Let us know if we can help with vets bills - people like to help, and you know, if one thousand people give you $4, then .... And $4 is very doable for many people (I know not all) - so publish the Vet & the account and we can all put our little bit in.

I have my "Mean Streak" pre-ordered and I love you too. Probably I am not going to make it to Queenscliff or the city of Melbourne - so I will hang out until you come to Clunes Book Town event, or do something fun in a bookshop in Ballarat! (I too don't like crowds very much. Or parking. Or traffic.)

I will look forward to seeing any recordings of your book talks - they are always really good, so hang in there for book launch season and I wish you all the very best it can be, and lovely people all around.


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Jack - you're my hero. Rick - very good interview about Robodebt. Made thing very clear.

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"Now look what you’ve done." That deserves the Nobel Prize for killer end-lines.

And so glad to hear Jack's back!

(Writers: miffed if ignored, persecuted if it's noticed...)

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Best piece of radio I have heard by a long chalk. Good Jack, loved. The month will pass so be sure deep breaths to enjoy it in the middle of it all. Robodebt will as written by you will be a book studied over the years in public administration courses I am sure. Gear piece in Saturday paper this week. Go well.

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