Sep 23Liked by Rick Morton

I cant understand why Wallaces piece was published ; I am so sick of hearing that its tough being a public servant as you are scared to have ethics as you might get fired. They get paid the big bucks so be held to account as they have no hesitation to persue the vulnerable, less fortunate if they think it makes them look good. I really am not sure I will continue to subscribe to the Saturday paper given they chose to publish that piece of diatribe. Bitterly dissapointed for you, for robodebt victims and I hope with my heart that Jacks ok...

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Public servants can always make public interest disclosures - not easy but that is what the salary is expected to cover - the hard decisions - duty of care.

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oh my heart on reading that. you are a master and we are so lucky to have you. All my best wishes and crossed fingers for you, your mum and your tough doggo

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Amen to this

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Righto, I'll be buying your Robodebt book - if only to help fund your vet bill. Hang in there, Jack.

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The brilliant and rick solid Rick Morton. You have to wonder how much influence was bringing pressure to bear in the background of the editorial department of the Saturday Paper. The paper claims to uphold the tenets of real journalism and spare us the repugnant interference so prevalent in the legacy corporate media. The Saturday Paper without Squiggly Rick isn’t the Saturday Paper anymore so maybe an editorial qualifier is required as to why a fiction snuck in under the back fence on the appalling Robodebt fiasco. Haven’t we been cheated and robbed of justice by extreme measures already. Riding shotgun for one of the main players, an inveterate crook, is adding insult to injury.

Hang in there Rick. I just lost my mother, she was 97 but and done but it still hurts. Now I find myself grieving for Jack and I don’t even know him. This story needs a happy ending. On all counts.

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My sentiments exactly. If 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' works, it's this week. Poor Rick, poor Mum. I think we all want to wrap our arms around you & make it all better.

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So many of us feeling the same..

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I love you you dear wonderful man. I'm sorry I wasn't more immediately supportive of your anger re the Wallace article. You have only ever been a journalist of the highest integrity and conscience, and your work in this terrible saga has been stellar and scrupulous from beginning to this point. I won't say beginning to end because I can't accept that the end has yet been reached. Hope your boy Jack recovers quickly and well.

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We need people with courage in this time of courage-deficit, and you have it in spades. I'm so pleased you called Wallace out. Turning a blind eye is what got us into the robo-mess.

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Here’s your circularity, Rick: There is a lag time, then, between what you manage to stop now and what is still working its way through the system.

The toxin that travels through the system impacting all it touches is- including TSP.

I hope doggo improves quickly and gets back to being both grumpy and loving.

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That is one mongrel of a week Rick. I was so proud of your calling out of Ms Wallace ( and she had some supporters) as she was dead wrong in her decision to write that article. She can hang her head in shame whilst you walk tall as the marvelous journalist we know you to be.

I have been weeping for your Jack as I cuddle my two furry friends, Maxie and Archie. As dog owners know, their loyalty and entertaining antics make life so much more bearable. Wishing a good strong recovery for your boy and hugs for you and Deb.

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Yeah, there are bigger problems in our world, but it’s possible to hold that and still hold that in your world there’s nowt bigger than the suffering of those you love and feel responsible for. It isn’t what Jack is to others, it’s what Jack is to you. And that’s clearly a lot… a lot a lot. Hope doesn’t do much, but… well, hope. And care.

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Oh I feel your pain. May Jack make a speedy & full recovery. And I promise we won’t forget the harm caused by Robodebt & those horrible people who administered it, knowingly causing harm,

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Oh my,do you ever know how to encapsulate sadness and a deep knowledge of what's unfair in this world Rick. That newspaper does some strange things and that writer is best left unread.

We love Jack because you show us your love. Here's hoping he makes it through.

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Ahh Rick. Jack is blessed in his human companions. Now I am an atheist but all dogs go to Valhalla and all dogs watch over their humans from there. As an aside, I do have a friend who used to make money being a female tick bounty hunter. The story about a tick lodging in his penis and him ending up in the Mater Hospital I'll save for another day.

Yeah Chris Wallace is out of line. (So is the Saturday Paper. It looks like they are sliding slowly over to the dark side.) Arse covering by proxy and in hindsight, doesn't work and she ought to know that. Remarkable how Uriah Heapish both Wallace and Leon sound. Did Wallace coach Leon for her Royal Commission performance? Odds on, I'd say.

Big hugs to you, your Mum and Jack.

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Fingers crossed for Jack ❤️

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What a wicked time for you. I am so sorry.

The death of our beloved cattle dog was horrible. They are the finest of beasts. I am so glad that your Jack is going to make it.

When I emigrated from Australia I cancelled my Saturday Paper subscription. Your writings were the high point of my weekly read, the thing that gave me pause before I hit the unsubscribe button. That I can still read you here is a joy.

Take care, Rick--my love to you and your mum.

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I hope Jack pulls through. Our family dog is on his own path to his big sleep and I won't get back to Australia before he's likely to go. He's a good boy, and I'll fight anyone who thinks they have a more beautiful dog than our Toby Boy.

Shame on your editors; I hope they appreciate what they have in you. I stopped subscribing to TSP a while ago (though one of my library apps has an epress subscription so I dip in every now and then).

Best wishes to you, Deb and Jack from the UK.

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Ric, you are a fine man.

I always get a sense of what's possible in people when they want to do good.

Your Robo work was a triumph against unspeakable evil.

Thank you

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hey… all the terribleness is better out than kept in and I’m sure you rid yourself of (at least) some of it by getting it out of your head via your hands and heart. Now try to get all three connected again and try to keep them connected in all the smaller, real life tasks that can make up a day…

love to you three from me with a big virtual hug x🥰

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