Really need the read this morning. Thank you. Grinned at AusTender, laughed at analogue trains and really laughed at Duke, your Mum’s expression and Duke being a cross between a cat and charity mugger. You are a word magician. Travel well on your digital train Mumma. Looking forward to hearing all your adventures

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Rick you must be the only person clever and funny enough to turn aus tender lists into the best entertainment for your readers. Then you top things off with your family fun, Boonah pub trivia , animal delights and leave us smiling from ear to ear. So glad you gave us this newsletter. Never too long by the way. Big thank you.

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Bloody loved this Rick. Thanks for making this ex public servant's Saturday morning.

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I needed to see your book kick “rich dad poor dad”’s arse to the curb. So excited for your mums travels on the intertracks of things, much modern very holiday wow! Thanks for taking us along for a fun journey through the tender announcements, your passion made it even more enjoyable!

Yeah Duke sounds like a typical dachshund there. My yona likes to sleep similarly close and her preferred wake time is 7:20. Thats when she steps on my face to wake me up. Then its all walkies and food and naps and pooping and walkies and suddenly its dinner and i am exhausted

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One of your best so far - although my wife is giving me her best “please shut up” looks as I regale her with selected passages as we aimlessly wander the aisles of the Noosaville Bunnings whilst other shoppers tell their children that they are there to find “something useful” and I resist the temptation to tell them to sign up to your Substack as it fits that description.

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Thought to self, should check out AusTender but after reading your newsletter this morning, there is no need as you make it such fun Rick. Your Sat Paper article this morning was another forensic look into our wasted taxpayer $s. Perhaps Govt could put out a tender on Effects of Mutual Obligation on Social Security Recipients (refuse to use the 'welfare' word) and instead of paying contractors, pay each and every soul who is mutually obligated. I could not believe private service providers self report - or maybe I can - *sigh*.

Another very entertaining and funny read this morning, moreso than usual and yes, Lauryn's puppy behaviour IS exactly like parenting. Thanks again Rick and safe travels to your mum x

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Oh, they already know - quality research has proven that Mutual Obligation actually reduces the chances of getting a job, but we all know that's not the point; it's there to punish, not to give a hand up.

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Your writing contributes greatly to my happiness. Along with six petticoat daffodils in bloom this morning, two bags of orchid mix purchased yesterday, and sandwiches with my beloved at Ripponlea gardens in the sunshine yesterday. Thank you.

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So, so contemporary Australian, "... a temporary integrity officer..."

And what a keeryoot dawg!

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You know you're going to get a whole heap of 'helful' suggestions on better leisure time activities don't you?

Thank you for the morning laughs as always, I look forward to your article every week.

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Note to self: don’t read Nervous Laughter in public if you’re not prepared to snort laugh in the company of strangers. Needless to say I’m “guilty” on both counts. Hoot worthy reading this morning. Balm for a world- weary soul.

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I think with all that study of the soporific AusTender, you deserve a reward of a large pistachio ice cream.

OMG – those Russians, and we thought The Great was a bit over the top – not really!

Deb & Cathy’s holiday plans are fabulous – so much so that I think Deb needs her own substack. We need photos of the digital train trip! (and chooks, gardening, xmas craft, random thoughts!)

Duke is gorgeous and deserves all the cuddles.


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Because I am Obsessed with trivia:

- gram for gram, mung beans have the same amount of protein as steak (so we should eat more mung beans to reduce carbon emissions)

- the tender for the Collins Class submarine never specified that they be waterproof

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Rick, Always a joy to read what is going on in your world. D

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I like the pot plants tender best. I reckon they are for spooks to hide behind, like the aspidistra that, according to Philip Adams, Laura Tingle hides behind when eavesdropping!

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Sadly, I suspect I know why they're using fake plants - because a contract to maintain real plants would require someone with a ridiculously high clearance

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“analogue train”! 😂

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Quite simply, my favourite bloggity offering ever. Your delight in AusTender reminds me of Winnifred Hooper. (https://vimeopro.com/editplus/cara-delizia/video/103857863)

Mum’s just put the bacon on for our lunchtime Caesar (she never uses the word ‘salad’ because she knows I’m anti-lettuce, but in the case of a Caesar, I wish she would use the full title) and when it’s done and her extremities come to rest, I’ll read this to her. Thank you.

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