Mr Squiggly Rick for PM…when he’s feeling better, of course.

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If the new pandas, on loan from China, have a baby here, is it an Australian citizen and do we own it? Could you ask your mother?

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On the news they said that any babies belong to China. Also, they aren't really a loan - we rent them for a million dollars per year. I don't know if that's each, or for the pair; theoretically the money goes to caring for pandas in China. Theoretically.

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So, really, they're a small, furry white elephant?

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I’m relieved that the people didn’t grab ass that didn’t want to be grabbed. Thank you (and Diesel) for this giggle. Rest up my friend

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I'm happy for Diesel. He seems to be living a good life.

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How can any civilised human being not be utterly depressed & despondent at the reports coming out of Palestinian land. Suffer the little children, the innocent & the legitimately angry civilians. The Israeli Govt are right wing terrorists. I support those Israeli’s demanding elections & an end to this genocide. Thank you Rick and peace to you. 😓😓

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Thank you so much for that article on Palestine. I’m beside myself watching the horrors and the lives of the orphaned children being shattered. I’m willing it to stop every day.

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Thank the Gods you finished with the story of the Diesel.

The end.


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Yay for Diesel the Diverse Donkey! 🎉

I think my recent news preoccupation has paralleled yours, but different. (I guess it’s what is out there atm)

- Did you see the Ch9 article about the other “Pandas” that weren’t breeding? Taizhou Zoo in China has apparently been busted for painting ChowChow dogs black and white and saying they are panda cubs 😂.

- and - have you seen Shane Dowling’s take on Dutton’s nuclear plan?


- The hell inflicted on Palestine by Netan-yahoo is horrendous. I keep seeing on Instagram the absolute destruction and wonder what sort of a black heart can do such a thing. The spirit of the Palestinian people however, in the face of living hell, is mind-blowing! They are literally flowers in the desert. Although how on earth one copes later, after this hell is done, especially with missing family, missing limbs, missing futures… 🤯

I just hope Karma is a thing.

Anyway, thanks for keeping it real Rick (and Deb).

One step at a time. ☮️🕊️🐼🫏

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Thank heavens for Diesel The Donkey. Everything else is unbearably depressing and overwhelming.

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I have a theory about pandas over all; ie that they're kind of the stuffed toy poster pets of the animal kingdom. So, why would it be any kind of a surprise that they fail to procreate?

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I’m sorry you’re sick and sad and the news is unrelentingly bad right now. Your short form is a treat. Thanks.

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Why does no one ever bring up Maralinga SA. Seven atomic bombs one of which was twice that of Hiroshima.

Areas there still highly radioactive. And what about the real figures not revealed about birth defects and leukaemia. For gods sake the observers there were told to cover their eyes.

Take Dutton up there and talk to the older locals if there’s any of them left or the younger 1st nations people where this terrible knowledge would have been handed down to.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

I'm sorry to be tricky, especially after such a bleakly meaninful report on our nation's nuclear future (happily unlikely or am I deluded?) But I need to ask; how did Diesel kill a coyote and a mountain lion?

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Yes, Jane Rankin-Reid, I wonder that also. Donkey looks cute enough to take little ones on a ride at a country fair. Trying to imagine donkey exterminator.....

And while I'm at it, those pandas are duds, I agree with your Mum, Rick. What will happen to them?

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They stomp on them. They are used in Australia to protect flocks from feral dogs and foxes - apparently they get quite stroppy!

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Thank you Rick, the world has gone mad. I am glad you ended on a happy donkey story, just what I needed.


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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Well that was like a good-bad shit sandwich. Pandas to a happy donkey. With lots of troublesome stuff in between. Somehow the Gaza situation seems worse the more we hear of the hidden history and first person threats. But long live the donkey. Sort of like a Free Willy story circling back to the awful story of captured people of Gaza.

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Diesel the Donkey was a shining light in a dark, dark world. Apart from killing other wildlife. Survival of the fittest I'd say? Secretly hoping IDF and Duddon don't survive all their atrocities. Australia, do better!

Hope you feel better soon Rick. Is there a date for the release of your new book as yet?

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I share your despair but people like you give me hope

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